Thursday, August 29, 2013

Miriam Louisa - How could you not love something like that?

how could you not love something that

never leaves you
regardless of how often you ignore it?

that’s always self-shining -
never needing flint or switch or fuel?

that never changes
regardless of the vicissitudes of your daily experience?

that never takes sides
whatever person, team or nation you’re supporting,
whatever idea or opinion you hold?

that never breaks apart
even though your life appears to?

that never minds n-e-v-e-r  m-i-n-d-s
that you spend your life running around looking for it
while it’s in your face the whole time?

how could you not love something like that?

something you can never escape,
and that’s so immanent
you are forced to accept it
as your own true identity?

how could you not then love
Y O U R S E L F ?

and everything arising
- thoughts, perceptions, memories, feelings -
within that inconceivable Self?

how could you not love that immensity which precedes
and includes all existence?

how could you not kneel at your own feet
in awe?


how could you pretend that your enlightened
heart-driven passion
was not the Great Passion of That
which holds the planets in their orbit?


how could you ignore the urge to pour
your energy and attention
into whatever opens your heart?



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