Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Meister Eckhart- and IF



 Everything hangs on the little word
here and its sibling now,
but I often forget this,
keeping busy with my plans,
building for a future
I cannot know and
against worries I cannot
finally tame,
and yet You wait for me to
come home to Your now
which is beyond past and future,
and return to Your here
which is present before beginning
and beyond every ending.

and IF …

If I could love as God loves
I would not fear the judgment of others
or the loss of my very self and
would know that God is the one
who knows and loves and desires
himself and all things
and loves me most when
I finally let go of trying and
simply let myself live love.

Ours is not the work of
seeking You here or there
where we think You might be,
but of opening the heart’s door,
and when we do this
You cannot resist coming in,
since our opening and Your
entering are one: You
knock and wait, and
when we open we
find that
You were there all along
and will not leave us.