Friday, July 9, 2021

Maya Luna ~ Things don’t happen for a reason



Things don’t happen for a reason
Sweet child
Life doesn’t need a reason
For happening
It simply blooms forth
With breathtaking chaos
Rains down on you
With senseless beauty
And immeasurable heartache
You can make up stories
If you like
About why things happen
The way that they happened
You can close one eye and squint
To make up patterns
You can tell stories of
Or perfection
Or blessings
Or you can simply stand naked in
The rain
You can realize nothing
Will ever really make sense
Not if you’re really honest
Not if you’re truly listening
Nothing happens for a reason
Yes, this is the truth
This is it
There is nothing else
But your own heart
Into reality
Your own heart
Drinking down
The eruption of stars
That is this radical emergence
Of soul in body
Of breath meeting Sky
There is nothing else to look for
Maybe it didn’t work out for the best
Maybe it isn’t an unfortunate mess
Maybe no great spirit is helping
Anything go your way
Just maybe
Life unfolds
With no holy plan
It is sacred
Just as it is
It’s power and innocence
Requires no justification
It’s perfection requires no meaning
Maybe nothing
Means anything
Other than what the Rose
When it blooms
It means



Thursday, July 8, 2021

Susanne Marie ~ The Cosmic Body


 Once freedom is known in a being, then what once was seen as personal is no longer seen in that way. Personal pain no longer exists, it is just pain, feelings are simply meant to be felt, and thinking just happens, it is not happening to a someone. Once the container called you is emptied out sufficiently, then the whole of creation can be felt into. No longer a separate organism, but an organism that is interconnected to every single being everywhere.
What freedom reveals is a vast cosmic body where all pain everywhere is felt and where joy and peace is likewise known as One Self. When people imagine that realization leads to the end of suffering or unhappiness, they are right in one sense, but wrong in another. When the personal self falls away, what is then known is the One Self. And within this one self, the suffering and unrest of humanity is experienced within the cosmic body as long as separation is being played out.
What lies in the midst congruently is peace, stillness, and the truth that there is no center to consciousness. You don't get away from anything, you gain the whole of creation which contains all polarities and realities simultaneously. Emptiness is form and form is emptiness. Herein lies the truth of things. 


Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Sattva Lynn (Ursa Karp) ~ Humility


 Humility is at the heart
of all healing.

Humility is the understanding
that nothing at all
is as it appears to be,
beginning with our self.

And how we see our self
determines how we see
everyone and everything.

Humility breeds reverence -
and reverence allows you
to treat your self and all
according to what it truly Is.

Humility, reverence and surrender
are necessary to rediscover
our real nature -

and it is in that discovery
that we find everything
we are truly looking for. 





Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Jiddu Krishnamurti ~ Conditioning


Your mind is conditioned right through; there is no part of you which is unconditioned. That is a fact, whether you like it or not. You may say there is a part of you - the watcher, the super-soul, the Atman - which is not conditioned; but because you think about it, it is within the field of thought, therefore it is conditioned. You can invent lots of theories about it, but the fact is that your mind is conditioned right through, the conscious as well as the unconscious, and any effort it makes to free itself is also conditioned.
So what is the mind to do? Or rather, what is the state of the mind when it knows that it is conditioned and realizes that any effort it makes to uncondition itself is still conditioned? Now, when you say, “I know I am conditioned,” do you really know it, or is that merely a verbal statement? Do you know it with the same potency with which you see a cobra? When you see a snake and know it to be a cobra, there is immediate, unpremeditated action; and when you say, “I know I am conditioned,” has it the same vital significance as your perception of the cobra? Or is it merely a superficial acknowledgment of the fact, and not the realization of the fact?
When I realize the fact that I am conditioned, there is immediate action. I don’t have to make an effort to uncondition myself. The very fact that I am conditioned, and the realization of that fact, brings an immediate clarification. The difficulty lies in not realizing it in the sense of understanding all its implications, seeing that all thought, however subtle, however cunning, however sophisticated or philosophical, is conditioned.
To free the mind from all conditioning, you must see the totality of it without thought. This is not a conundrum; experiment with it and you will see. Do you ever see anything without thought? Have you ever listened, looked, without bringing in this whole process of reaction? You will say that it is impossible to see without thought; you will say no mind can be unconditioned. When you say that, you have already blocked yourself by thought, for the fact is you do not know. So can I look, can the mind be aware of its conditioning? I think it can. Please experiment. Can you be aware that you are a Hindu, a Socialist, a Communist, this or that, just be aware without saying that it is right or wrong? Because it is such a difficult task just to see, we say it is impossible. I say it is only when you are aware of this totality of your being without any reaction that the conditioning goes, totally. deeply - which is really the freedom from the self. (the notion of self) 



Sunday, July 4, 2021

Jac O' Keeffe ~ The Personal to the Impersonal


The “all about me” story can become a painful one. If you have become fed up with talking about “my life, my beliefs my opinions, my belongings, my money, my life style...” then perhaps the futility of these unending and repetitive stories is beginning to show itself.


Take a look and see if you can recognize that many of these stories about “me” are simply an attempt to defend who you THINK you are. Without these believed stories you might find you are not who you think you are. The personal I can never be satisfied because it is fundamentally inauthentic. Its very nature is filled with desire. There is no personal I that is constant and unchanging. The personal I knows no stillness and moves between pleasure and pain in response to the senses. The personal I is an insatiable idea constantly protecting itself and seeking acceptance and love.


This unending cycle has no resolution. It can only be recognized as a futile play and abandoned. Let the “all about me” story fade out. At this point you will find there is something that is watching the play of the one who wants everything to be about itself. The one who sees the hungry personal I does not require the world to rotate around itself. The impersonal I has a knowing that all that happens does not have a direct impact on who you are. Simply put, the impersonal I does not take things personally.


If your reference point has moved from the personal to the impersonal I, then emotional reactions will have lessened greatly. The search for love and attention will have taken a back seat and judgement of others largely subsided. Without a doubt, the impersonal I is a reference point from which you can operate with significantly less suffering. A sense of being less self-absorbed arises.
Increasingly, you will notice that when the personal I appears, some drama ensues, because the personal I is perpetually seeking attention.
Many have found that the withdrawing of attention from the personal to the impersonal I is a useful spiritual practice. For some, mind is calmer and for most an inner contentment begins to develop. This is a natural consequence of the removal of attention from who you think you are.

So why bother training your mind to operate from the perspective of the impersonal? Undoubtedly there is less suffering when events are understood to be not about you. However, there is an inconsistency in this practice. It is impossible to be established in the position of the impersonal while the belief that you are a separate individual is still active. It will feel like there is an internal switch which reactivates the personal I. While it seems obvious to seek to avoid suffering and therefore relocate your perspective to the impersonal, something inherently continues to be not at rest. Both the personal and the impersonal points of reference are tricks of the mind as it attempts to make life an experience with less suffering.

Mind imagines that something is to be gained by the perspective of the impersonal, but what it has to offer is limited and becomes not good enough. It is mind that plays with spiritual practice and you are not your mind. Neither are you a product of your thoughts. Both the personal and the impersonal are conceptual states of mind that run their course experientially, and you can erroneously think that you are making progress towards freedom.
So what to do? What you are, is prior and beyond the games of mind. But while you think you are an individual, let it be known that this is idea of separation is no more than a thought believed into a subjective reality. What you are knows nothing of personal and impersonal, of spiritual practice, of awakening. You are not who you think you are and mind cannot conceive of what you truly are. Mind was not designed to know your true identity.
Mind is a tool kit to allow manifestation to appear as real. It imagines as it goes. It believes or doesn’t believe, as it goes. Who you are is not concerned. In fact, who you are has no capacity to imagine anything at all. Who you are knows nothing of who you think you are. The lies that are offered by mind are no more than a smokescreen, an apparent movement that has the capacity within itself to like and dislike what it has created. Do not be bothered with any of this as there is nothing to be fixed or changed here. However, the appearance of manifestation will appear to continue as it plays a game of control. It is mind that tries to control mind, tries to minimize suffering, tries to annihilate itself and imagines that without itself it will be happy. See this game of life for what it is. What you are is beyond all of it.