Thursday, July 8, 2021

Susanne Marie ~ The Cosmic Body


 Once freedom is known in a being, then what once was seen as personal is no longer seen in that way. Personal pain no longer exists, it is just pain, feelings are simply meant to be felt, and thinking just happens, it is not happening to a someone. Once the container called you is emptied out sufficiently, then the whole of creation can be felt into. No longer a separate organism, but an organism that is interconnected to every single being everywhere.
What freedom reveals is a vast cosmic body where all pain everywhere is felt and where joy and peace is likewise known as One Self. When people imagine that realization leads to the end of suffering or unhappiness, they are right in one sense, but wrong in another. When the personal self falls away, what is then known is the One Self. And within this one self, the suffering and unrest of humanity is experienced within the cosmic body as long as separation is being played out.
What lies in the midst congruently is peace, stillness, and the truth that there is no center to consciousness. You don't get away from anything, you gain the whole of creation which contains all polarities and realities simultaneously. Emptiness is form and form is emptiness. Herein lies the truth of things. 


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