Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī - "Off with you!"



 Off with you!
Know that the religion of the lover is contrary to other customs:
the falsehoods of a Friend are better than the truth and good works.
The unthinkable to Him is the present state,
the punishment the reward, all his bad deeds are justice,
all his slander is equity.
Its hardness is soft, Its synagogue is the Ka'ba,
a thorn of the rapist of the Heart is sweeter than roses and basil.
When it is bitter, it is more excellent than a sugar house;
when He comes to you upset, that is sweet kiss and hug.
When He says to you, "Oh my God, I'm sick of you!" ”,
that is the water of Khidr from the Fountain of Life.
When He says "NO!" ", a thousand yes hide themselves inside;
in the religion of the unselfish, you are family if you are a stranger." His unbelief is all faith, His stones all coral,
His greed all beautiful works, His offences all forgiveness.
You can make fun of me and say: 'You have a crooked religion!'
I bought the religion of His crooked eyebrow at the price of my spirit. This crooked religion has me drunk!
I will close my lips and continue, O enlightened heart,
recite the rest in silence!.
Oh God's farce Tabrīzī!
Oh Lord! What sugar do you throw!
You express a hundred arguments and proofs out of my mouth!