Thursday, March 11, 2021

Guthema Roba - Now


I hear some people saying that the present moment or NOW becomes the past even before we finish saying the word. I feel there is some misunderstanding around this. In the first place, NOW has nothing to do with time. It is not a moment in time. It is not something that moves forward into the future. NOW is the breath of life. Does your breath know past of future? There is no distinction between NOW and God. NOW also means eternity. Eternity does not mean forever. It means a pure space into which the past, the present and the future become one single happening.  When you experience as it is without past memory, you are tasting the honey of eternity.  Tell me dear friend, wherever you are or whatever you might be doing, have you ever left NOW? It is not possible. Now is the ocean that holds the cosmos. It is a miracle hidden inside everything and everyone.




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