Friday, June 5, 2020

Amoda Maa - A deeper intelligence

 There’s an intelligence that’s deeper than thought and more intimate than concept.

There’s an intelligence that weaves together the substance of your body, the tapestry of your life, and the majesty of your light.

It’s the same intelligence that makes the stars shine, the planets dance, and new suns to be born. It’s the same intelligence that makes a bird sing, a flea jump, and a microbe eat up pathogens.

It’s the intelligence that holds you whilst you fall apart, whilst you bear the unbearable, whilst you endure the suffering of ignorance … until you finally return home to your true self.

This intelligence has never not been here, in the deep of you. It’s just that you looked the other way. You gave your allegiance to an imaginary intelligence, an external authority believed to be true because they told you so. You ignored your true knowing for the knowledge of beliefs force fed to you by those you thought were in power. And those beliefs became your thoughts and you believed those thoughts to be your master.

But, my friend, the time has come. The time for you to look within, to go deeper than thought, to turn away from imagined authority. To become your own master, a master of your life, a master of that which is truly alive in you … and to rest in your true sovereignty.

Because, my friend, when you know the unshakability of the openness of your true nature, you will no longer give your power away and you will no longer be threatened by that which is not true. You will irrevocably know that there is no one and no thing that can take away that which is your birthright … your aliveness, the naked fact of your being-ness, the irrefutable I AM that makes your life possible. And you will live by this aliveness, you will live by this intelligence, you will live by the truth of your unshakable presence … come what may.

This, my friend, is how you rise as truth in the face of lies. This is how you are born into a new world as an old one crumbles. This is how you stand in your true sovereignty. It is time, my friend … this is what you —and I — came here for.

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