Sunday, April 10, 2016

Seema Sahoo - Vulnerability

Often our fear of pain and suffering is far greater than our love for love. Fearless love can only happen by being vulnerable, open, ready to take any hurt, wounds with no fear, no expectations and ready to take whatever comes. This love has the ability to commune with another being and is without separation. It is the space where blessing can happen between two hearts, two beings and it has the potential to go beyond duality.
Being vulnerable means, dropping the protection that we have been carrying around all these years. It means to drop the pretence to look better than we are. It means to be exposed and naked to judgements, attacks and what others might think or say, with fearlessness.
Vulnerability is a shieldless armor. Just imagine how freeing it is not to be afraid to get hurt, wounded or judged. It requires strength and patience. Vulnerability is the shield of a warrior. It is about spaciousness, openness of heart and mind. Nothing can cut you, touch you, burn you, drown you, dissolve you because now your love is enormous, with no beginning and no end. Limitless just like the sky and as deep as the ocean.
Walking on this path, initially can bring fears, doubts, temptation, exhaustion, inner demons and even wanting to give up. This is why the path of vulnerability is for the strongest, firmest and yet the most gentle ones. It’s for those who are grounded, for those who are not looking to project a self-image and walking around with a covering as disguise to protect that image. Vulnerability is the cloak of a spiritual warrior.

Path tells me
Stop !
You will get
Stop now
You will stop
Why walk?
Path scares me
You will find
You better
Stop !
There will be
You better
But I am crazy,
I say let
Them come
I will walk
Hand in hand
winds and storms
I have lost
Just let
Me dance
Non stop
As now I
The sun and
The moon
In my heart
No where

 Both photos Angela Bacon-Kidwell

 Seema is an occupational therapist, Reiki and meditation teacher, and a writer. She loves creativity in every thing that life has to offer, hiking, traveling and cooking. Originally from India, now settled in Arizona, US. She has two teenage kids, one girl with verbal Autism, who is an inspiration and drive to help find her inner strength. Seema's vision is to help families with special kids , in coping with everyday stresses to be more grounded so they can find their innate strength themselves and set up programs in special schools about meditation and mindfulness.

This was found HERE
Seema on facebook 


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