Thursday, March 19, 2015

Rumi - "It is I"

If there is any lover in the world,
0 Muslim, it is I.

If there is any believer, infidel,
or Christian hermit, it is I.

The wine, the cup-bearer, the musician,
the instrument and the music,
The beloved, the candle, the liquor
and the inebriation, it is I.

The seventy-two religious sects in the world
Do not really exist;
I swear by God every religious sect-it is I.

Earth, air, water and fire: do you know what they are?
Earth, air, water and fire-and the soul as well; it is I

Truth and falsehood, good and evil,
pleasure and suffering, beginning and end,
Knowledge, learning, asceticism,
devotion and faith-it is I.

Be assured that the fire of hell and its flames,
Paradise, Eden and the angels of heaven-it is I.

Heaven and earth and all they hold:
angels, demons, and men - it is I.

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