Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Jiddu Krishnamurti - Seek your own deliverance

"There is only reality, the supreme without a second. 
There is only one humanity and one righteousness, 
and the way to its realization does not lie through any other path, 
through any other person save through yourself. 
Seek your own deliverance, and then you will deliver the world 
 from its confusion and conflict, its sorrow and antagonism. 
For you are the world, and your problem is the world's problem. 
If you are clinging to your beliefs, to your petty gods, to your nationality, 
to your possessions, to your leaders, then you will create a world of confusion and conflict, 
of sects, of racial and religious prejudices, of economic and ideological frontiers, 
ever leading to separation,breeding ill will, multiplying catastrophes."

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