Monday, August 3, 2020

Dorothy Hunt - On Silence

Silence is a deep, interior Presence and absence of ‘self’ that actually has nothing to do with whether there is noise or quiet in the environment or in the mind. What is revealed in Silence is your Being, your Presence, your awake and intimate Awareness…in its deepest dimension, this Silence is what we are, what life is, what moves the universe and simultaneously is its Source.

The deeper the Silence, the greater is the felt sense of the Mystery that sees beyond all thoughts, images, and acquired knowledge. We become aware of a deeper dimension of our Being that is very quiet, very still, completely open, very natural…

Psychologically minded folks may wonder if soaking in Silence is a way of bypassing what needs to be seen or felt or understood. In the true Silence of our awake nature, nothing is avoided, nothing denied, nothing attached. Rather than numbing us to experience, this Silence lovingly invites everything that has been hidden or denied to come out of the shadows into the light. True Silence opens us to the truth of the present moment.

One does not have to effort to find this Silence and Stillness. It is not something we create. It is felt the moment we relax and become receptive, the moment we stop trying to move toward or away from anything.

--Dorothy Hunt, from her book Leaves from Moon Mountain