Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Michael Markham - Simply being

I know......It's been a hard journey.
There have been tears and blood on this trail to the edge.
But here you are.......standing at the delta.
In front of you is the vast undefined edgelessness.
Behind you is the dream of we are.
Standing in the outgoing tide you can feel everything
being pulled from under who you thought you were.
When you look down, you can see only the flowing.
When you look up you can see only clouds.....moving.
But if you look to the side.....you may see someone.....laughing.

........you've had the world pulled out from underneath who you thought you were and planted your butt on a park bench just to settle in and get used to the edgelessness.
And that's pretty normal.
But all that time you have been trying to get an idea of what the hell happened..... Life has been pulsating all around you.
Squirrels have started their families and the robins have returned.
Stand up......Look around....Touch the grass........Feel the wind.
It's time to return to the only reality you can ever know.

It's time to embrace the mystery of simply being.


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