Thursday, July 5, 2018

Jackson Peterson - A Sudden and Extreme Reduction of Complexity

  All that is ever known is contained in and as, this instant of conscious experience.

This moment of consciousness is restricted in being exactly between the past moment, just passed, and the future moment, yet to arrive. The current moment, the only moment ever known, has a very, very short duration (if any).
[past —>now<—future]

Any experience ever known occurs in consciousness or mind. There is no other place in which we can experience any experience. What kind of substance, other than mental stuff, can appear inside a moment of consciousness?

Nothing physical or lastingly solid, can appear in consciousness or else we wouldn’t have enough room for the next fresh moment of consciousness.

This means all moments of consciousness and conscious experience, are of the same “substance” as daydreams and night dreams; the stuff of mind and dreams.

Since we never experience a “real” outer material world in any moment of consciousness, its objective and “physical” existence can only be a conceptual belief. We can experience the feelings of solidity, of bright light, colors, sounds, fragrances, tastes and “physical” sensations in our dreams perfectly the same as when awake.

Through seeing that any moment of consciousness as perceptions, thoughts, emotional states, or “physical” sensations, only occur within the limited confines of the mind, it must be that all these experiences are no more “objectively real” than our dreams and day dreams.

Through this being seen clearly, ALL moments of consciousness are seen to be “empty” of even the slightest trace of being an objective and material reality. The inherently existing, material nature of ALL experiences has been reduced to mere conceptual beliefs. Where did samsara go?

Some points to consider:

How long does this exact moment of “now” last?

Can one experience any moment other than the one presenting itself as the current “now”?

If there is any duration for the moment of “now”, what is the substance of that which has duration?

Is there anyone organizing and deciding what the content of the next instant of consciousness will contain before it arrives? Is it spontaneous and “self-arising”, like a dream at night? Who is controlling this?

Could life be anything more than an extended series of singular moments of consciousness?

Is the sense of a personal self or being an “observer”, just the momentary, conceptualized content of consciousness (which also has no duration) that is appearing to no one?

Is anyone doing “flashes of momentary ‘now’ consciousness”? How would a “someone” do that if the “someone” is itself only a “moment of consciousness” flashing, without duration?

What is the true and essential nature of each momentary flashing of conscious experience?

Is it possible that instead of sub-atomic particles being the “building blocks” of reality, that “moments of consciousness” are the most fundamental structures as being the energetic formations of Consciousness itself?


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