Monday, December 28, 2015

Naomi Stone - Bewildering beauty of the Beloved

There is a song ….
the words sing the sad story….
that the thrill is gone….
and what happens
when they no longer feel
the currents of desire …..
no longer feel able to see
someone or something with the eyes
of bewildering disorientation
which so many mistake for love…
Like earthly wine…
earthly love is a beginning….
opening the senses…
but when love comes in its purity arises…..
awakens……………..expands ……
and grants us divine vision….
……the thrill is forever new……
something lifts us
in the sheer lightness of Spirit….
delicately spun spreading..
gliding…………..sheer……..invisible wings…
orbs………..shimmering cloud…
catching the light..
bears us on the breath of love
When the Beloved gazes through
our earthly eyes
the solid illusion dissolves
and melts away…..
and a different seeing emerges…
…i call it “beholding” ……….
Behold…………the kingdom is at hand……..
the Beloved brushes by………
and touches with the softness of air
spirit to spirit
a movement of beauty……..
felt in the heart………….
that softens the soul
the soothing sound
of the sighs of creation 
love overflowing ……
shimmering strings of the heart
sing like the harp……….
quivering with music
only the Beloved can play

Naomi Stone: "I am a contemplative, a mystic, a pilgrim, a seeker, a woman deeply in love with the God hidden in all of us, in all of His Creation, who comes shining out when we least expect it and takes my breath away and breathes me with His sublime Presence in everything. I have two sons and loved raising them. I was a teacher for years, taught at the university level, did some community work, helped start a hospice in our area, and worked with patients and families for years. I am consoled by Nature and the natural world and have embraced the life of a spiritual hermit." You may visit Naomi on her website here where she has shared over 700 of her poems over the last four years. You may contact her via Facebook here. 

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