Thursday, April 10, 2014

Chuck Surface - Gates of Heaven

When we enter the Gates of Heaven,
Both “limited” and “limitless” vanish.

This is what is meant by “Infinite”;
Not endless space,
But the vanishing of space, altogether.

When we enter the Gates of Heaven,
Past, future, and “now” vanish.

This is what is meant by “Eternal”;
Not endless existence in time,
But the vanishing of time, altogether.

When we enter the Gates of Heaven,
The Enjoyer of Enjoyment vanishes.

This is what is meant by “Unalloyed Ecstasy”;
Not endless pleasure had by an “experiencer”,
But the vanishing of the experiencer, altogether.

When we enter the Gates of Heaven,
We vanish.

This is what is meant by “Liberation”;
Not the Benediction of “i”,
But the vanishing of “i”, altogether.

No space
In which objects can arise.

No time
In which objects can be perceived.

No objects
To be perceived.

No subject-perceiver-experiencer
To perceive, experience, cognize.

The vanishing of…



And yet…

Absolute, Unimaginable, Inexpressible,
Fullness and Completion.

The Unalloyed Ecstasy of Pure Being.


And when “we” return from Heaven
To this Dream of space, time, and form,
Formlessness moving as form,
Into and as this Locus of Experience…

It is this Ecstasy that shines in our Heart,
This Water from The Ocean of Bliss,
This Warmth from The Sun of Liberation,
This Fragrance from The Blossom of Pure Being…

The Embrace of The Beloved,
With us, within us, Always…
In the Wellspring of the Heart.

Within... and as.

Not merely Peace, Happiness, and Joy,
As those who wander the frontiers say.
This Bliss, this Ananda…
Is… Rapturous.


And oh… the Greatest Blessing,
The most Unimaginable Grace,
The most Inexpressible Beatitude,
Is that we needn't enter the Gates of Heaven…

For this Light to Shine within…
For this Fire to warm our Hearts…
For this Living Water to quench our Thirst…
To be held in the Beloved's Embrace…

For Heaven to Illuminate,
Every aspect of our Being,
Gross and subtle,
Spirit and flesh.

And oh… the Greatest Miracle of all
The most Unimaginable Grace,
The most Inexpressible Beatitude,
Is that this Love, once Shining…

From the Wellspring of our Heart,
Is a wordless Blessing,
To the Hearts of all Beings,
To the Heart of all Creation.

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