The Unknown Wanderer
comes upon a bridge
high in the snow capped
Himalayan mountains
The bridge flows as
smoothly as the Tao
The river is as still
as the Silence within
beyond the mind
There is no past,
present or future
There is absolutely
no time at all, not even
the moment of Now
The Sage is in the gap
of Reality between
all words and Silence
You may find this description
unreal and strange to imagine
The solution is quite simple
if you read it slowly again
In the snow capped
Himalayan mountains
the river is frozen and
thus appears not to flow
The bridge is the entrance
to the gateless gate and
thus it’s just a drawbridge
that moves up and down
Those are the logical
explanations but now
we enter the realm of
the mysterious Essence
of the Indescribable Tao
Now once again
He simply sits Zazen
Dropping body and mind
Leaving all thoughts behind
The Sage now passes
through the gateless
gate into eternity
Entering the true
nature of Reality
Within here there’s
infinite realms so
far beyond mind
So you can leave all
that logic far behind
The Sage goes beyond
mind to the stillness of the
Silence within, this is where
Wisdom and Creativity reside
Here the Sage
is the subtle
Observer and
will silently abide
He sees the One perceiving
every myriad being and thing
reflecting light and love back
to Itself throughout infinity
and attains instant Realization
With a subtle energy adjustment
of the frequency of vibration
A sacred secret the
Wanderer was taught
by ancient Taoist Sages
Passed down to him
throughout the ages
He becomes one
with the eternal Tao
Which by now
you’ve Realized is
the Perceiver Itself,
flowing in the eternal
stream of the past,
the future and Now
From the summit of
Hidden Mountain
Where Dōgen's enlightened
moon doesn’t even break
the surface of the pond
that may or may not
indirectly through Zazen
practice contain that elusive
imaginary youthful fountain
The Wanderer observes
time as it keeps flowing
throughout the ages
It’s a continuous river of
knowledge that recites
sutras, doctrines, discourses,
holy books, ancient bamboo
Taoist scrolls and scriptures
that holy men of all walks of
life drink down believing it’s
the nectar directly from their
respective gods, buddhas,
prophets, Saints and Sages
All the holy men and women
have faith in all the pages
The Unknown Wanderer
Knows all these books are
simply guideposts on the Way
His mind has transcended
all book knowledge as he has
broken through Unmons barrier
another successful gateway
He’s Consciousness Itself
Simply Boundless and free
He Realizes all myriad beings
and things are One Reality
No books contain
the Consciousness
within the emptiness
of the field of Rigpa
It’s the direct experience
of the Buddhas dharma
Living each and every
moment just one by one
It encompasses
absolutely everyone
It’s not just
mine or yours
Realization occurs
Total Realization
is as Dōgen stated
“Not anyone in particular;
But, like the deep blue color
Of the limitless sky,
It is for everyone,
everywhere in the world “
And furthermore
famous poem:
“Transmission outside doctrine,
No dependencies on words.
Pointing directly at the mind,
Thus seeing oneself truly
Attaining Buddhahood.”
The Sage now experiences the
Middle Way as the Tathāgata
did underneath the Bodhi tree
As the Unknown Wanderer now
abides in Nirvikalpa Samadhi
The Sage looks back and sees
as Dōgen did that ‘mountains
are once again mountains and
waters are once again waters.’
He arises from sitting
and carries water
down from the
Hidden Mountain,
the physical exercise
simply feels good
Then arriving at
his humble abode
He begins once again
to simply chop wood
epc 1956-♾
Quotation Verses from the
Mountain of Eternal Peace
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