Monday, September 2, 2024

Nancy Neithercut - An all encompassing love


How long did we wait for our lives to begin? Believing that everything had to be 'just right', so we could finally relax

When you least expect it, when all hope is gone, when you realize that tale will never get pinned on the donkey, when you realize that all the ladders in the world will never reach the moon, when you're tired of trying to catch the wind, kiss your reflection in the moonlit pond, that it was simply a misconception that you were in charge of the stage door, and had to turn the crank on the merry-go- round,

you find infinite permutations of a butterfly kiss, and a beautiful intimacy of life slipping through your fingers as you slip through the lines, losing yourself and finding yourself awash in iridescent awe.

and in the end there is no doubt nor place for it to arise..........

all the secret corners of your being have been undone

there is nothing left to hide nor anywhere to hide it

nor anyone to hide...

there is nothing in the bottom of the cup

not even emptiness

or nothingness

or thinglessness

the suck as the tide goes out

water shimmering in the afternoon sun as it percolates into the sands of this shoreless sea

just an empty sublime vastness

suspended as awe

in the dance of love

What is going on is magnificently wondrously unknowable

It has no qualities or characteristics whatsoever

It is shared learned words which create a conceptual mentally fabricated world of separate things and events and time...

And this imaginary “known” world is not separate from the unknown because the ideas of “known” and “unknown” are also made up.

I could say that what is going on is fluid and ungraspable but actually it is neither moving nor nonmoving. As it has no dimension and it is not dimension less.

Has no time nor non time...

It has no things nor non-things...

It is not one big thing like wholeness or emptiness...

It has no space nor emptiness...

And it is not even an it.

This is it

And not even that....

When the story is no longer believed, that is also the story...

And the story takes on a somewhat surreal feeling... yet simultaneously real-er than real more vibrant more alive....

it’s as if the most delicious dream of unknowing has subsumed the dream of knowing...

It’s like an all encompassing love.


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