Friday, June 21, 2024

Prema Lynn - 'Shhhh....'


without judging or interpreting -
just notice yourself thinking.

Just notice.

Then, without attempting  
to change anything
or make it wrong -

as the thinking
is happening,
become aware
of what Notices it.

That Noticing Essence
is Who you are, in truth.

It is Free.  
It is One.
It is Changeless and Unaffected.

quietly, gently,
while letting the thinking 'be',

sink deeper
to this Pure Noticing.
This Pure Awareness.

Don't look at this
so much as a practice,

but as a conscious,
'returning Home'
to what you Are.

To what you know
you want to Feel again:

Your Real Nature.

'Notice yourself thinking,
then become aware
of What notices -

and without trying
to change anything,
bring attention there.'

Do this for as long
as it feels right.

Don't strain.

Trust that some thing
is happening
all on its own,

to bring a
deeper feeling

of quiet and
stillness inside.

Even one drop
of bringing attention

to the
Unwavering Presence

matters more
than words can say.

And eventually you will
know yourself more deeply

as the Pure Awareness...
not its apparent contents.

You can tenderly say within,
if you feel so moved:

You are not your
thoughts or thinking

or the seeming world
born of that.

You are the
ever present One
that all appears in.





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