Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Rebekah Maroon - Dream-time-bound reality

art Gun Legler



Quote of the Imaginary Moment by Rebekah Maroon

When the person hears about the future and past being an illusion or being the cause of your problems, the idea of being here and now, being present, seems logical. From that perspective, it makes sense; the future isn't here, the past has already gone, don't waste time on it, be here now.
But the past, the future, the now, and the one trying to be here now, all belong in that dream-time-bound reality. There is no actual past, future and now; they are all objects or ideas, which appear and disappear in this no-thing.  

The one trying to be here and now, or trying to create a better reality isn't always appearing. The idea of being present appears to the dream person, it is claimed, and then there's just eating, speaking, thinking, doing the dishes...and then “Oh, I wasn't being present!” appears, and is claimed in frustration; when in reality there’s no-one here! That statement is just another appearance. This energy is a claimer, it has no actual reality, but it claims the appearances to be me. To it, it feels like it exists and it always exists, like it was just distracted, and it will do better next time. It feels like it's a permanent, consistent, real thing. It can't possibly know of its own non-existence, of its own appearances.

How could it? To itself, when it’s appearing, it feels real. The one trying to be here and now, and the idea of here and now are dreams appearing in this, and would only appear or be of any interest to that dream sense of a someone that felt real and independent. The whole idea belongs in the dream. The person can’t be here now; the person’s a dream. There isn’t a solid someone who can choose what thoughts and ideas appear; this is totally empty. Out of Nothing, as Nothing, back into Nothing; as if Nothing ever happened.

---Rebekah Maroon, from her book “This is God: An Expression of Non-Separation” 


Thanks to Miranda Warren


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