Thursday, December 31, 2020

Hafiz - Door of the Tavern (narrated)


 Through the intoxication of love, Sufis learn to let go of their ego and open their heart to the truth that binds all creation. In reaching for the essential nature of this divine love, the Sufi poets evade fixed ideas, embrace paradox and turn to intricate metaphor and allegory that ring more truthful that the everyday reality that blinds us to the ineffable experience of love and the divine.



 Thank God the door of the Tavern is open
and I am needy at His door.

The vats are all boiling and crying out of drunkeness.
Only the wine of truth can be found there.
Not that of falsehood.

From Him comes drunkeness, pride and aloofness.
From us comes helplessness, self-effacement and neediness.

The secret, which I’ve never told anyone, and will never share with anyone,
I shall reveal to the friend – my only confidant.

The tale of the twist and wave of my Beloved’s curl cannot be abridged.
It is indeed a long story.

I have stopped looking at the entire world
Since I have gazed upon your beautiful face.

Whoever comes to the district of your Kaba
Will begin praying immediately upon beholding the qiblah of your eyebrows.

Oh, people of the assembly! If you are interested in the burning of Haze’s heart,
Ask the candle as it burns and thaws away.


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