Sunday, May 24, 2020

Nisargadatta Maharaj - Apperceiving

 " The only 'awakening' is appercieving of that-which-is.
Indeed there is no question of a 'who' in this apperceiving
because the apperceiving itself is one's true nature;
and the pre-requisite of such apperceiving is the disappearence of the phenomenon.
 What is apperceived is manifestation as a whole, not by a 'who' keeping himself as a separate observer.
The apperceiving is the total functioning of the Absolute - apperceiving is what you are.
The universe appearing in consciousness is a mirror which reflects every sentient being, consciousness is the very source of the apparent universe.
Consciousness is not different from its manifested content.
And such apperceiving has nothing whatever to do with a 'who',
with a phenomenon, an appearence in consciousness
which is only an infinitesimal part of the total fonctioning.
The profound intuitive understanding of this fact is the only 'awakening' or 'enlightenment',
the only illusory 'liberation' from an illusory 'bondage', the awakening from the living-dream."

"The seeker is none other than the consciousness seeking its source."

"When conceptualization ceases, identity,
which is the basis of conceptualization, cannot remain,
and in the absence of identity there is no boundage.
The illusory identity is the illusory boundage."


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