Monday, September 17, 2018

The most sacred and simple mystery of all

. . . Reach out beyond knowing
and embrace oneness.
Healing as you go, breathe the
living word restoring creation.
Share the spiritual fire and let the
mystic light of God fill you
to overflowing.

Ultimately there is only one truth,
one pure blessed reality:
That the powers of love will pervade
and overcome all things.
We will rest in utter completion
of wonder.

We are not alone, but we are within
the same mystical unfolding.
Happy are we only in as far as
kindness and vision live within,
shining outward.

Words are shadows; acts are born
of real caring and loving.
A truth in stillness do we share
in the moments beyond time,
fleeting touches of an ultimate
total embrace.

Within these things lies the most
sacred and simple mystery of all:
We are loved, utterly
and completely.


 – Excerpted from a 5,000-year old Sanskrit poem
translated by Michael Meehan, SJ and published in
Mysticism and the New Age: Christic Consciousness in the New Creation
by George A. Maloney, SJ (Alba House, 1991)

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