Friday, August 18, 2017

Wei Wu Wei - The Inconceivable

THE  SPACE-TIME,  subject-object  phenomenal  universe 
is  a manifestation of mind, of which day and sleep dreaming
are examples in a second degree.
The result of this individualisation process, based on seriality,
which all degrees of dreamers know as “reality,”
has no objective  resemblance  to  that  which  causes  it  to  appear,
because that which causes it to appear has no objective quality at all.
Therefore that is totally inaccessible to any form of objective cognition,
let alone of description. The only words that can indicate it at all are
This, Here, Now, and Am, and in a context which is entirely abstract.
The negative method is provisional only; it turns from the
positive to its counterpart, and then negates both. That wipes out
everything objective and leaves an emptiness which represents  fullness, 
total  absence  which  represents  total  presence.
Here the thinking (and not-thinking) process ends,
and the absence itself of that IS the Inconceivable.
Inconceivable  for  whoever  attempts  to  conceive  it. 
But who suggested that we should do that? 

excerpt from

Read more HERE

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