Sunday, November 8, 2015

Matt Licata - The beloved

art Alphonse Mucha

 The beloved is mad crazy in love with you, but may never fit your historical requirements and ideas about what this actually means, about the true implications of having a beloved in your life. She has appeared as your tour guide into the secret areas of your body. If you follow her, your world will become unraveled, you will be taken behind the scenes where the relative world is being organized. The beloved sees you as you are and this is terrifying. In his presence, you are beheld as the majesty that you are, but this is unbearable. You come face to face with the greatest fear that you’ve ever known, but have never been able to articulate: that you are loved. For when you are truly loved, when you are entirely seen, when you are fully held, it is the end of your world as you know it. You will never be the same. You will never again be able to pretend that you are other than perfect and precious as you are. And this is terrifying.

You long to be loved, to be seen, to be held, but please know that the implications of this are immense; they are cosmic in proportion. To allow yourself to be loved in this way a part of you must die. Everything you thought you weren’t must be surrendered. You must let go of the stories of the unlovable one, the awakened one, the special one, the imperfect one, the flawed one, and the lonely one. Love wishes to reveal your nakedness, to remove your clothing, and to burn away all that is false and less than whole within you. What you are is a raging firestorm of creativity, sensuality, openness, warmth, and kindness.

Love will never stop until you know this.

If you will allow her or him, the beloved will show you the infinite ways that your heart is at risk of breaking open in any moment, and never, ever being put back together again. She will plead with you to let it all go, to fall on the ground, and to allow yourself to fall apart, so she can show you that you were never, ever together to begin with. He will reveal to you that this raw, tender, vulnerable open heart that you feel beating inside you—right here and right now—that this is your gift to the world.

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