Friday, January 30, 2015

Naomi Stone - Divine Mystery of the Universe

Sometimes when I awaken
in this wilderness
of silence
beneath the moon
visions of the elegance of creation
dance me into a heightened awareness
of the phenomenal variation
of life

Blessed to see and behold
unending moments
of wonder here on earth
the blinding radiance
of it all
breaks free in
the gaze of love

Suddenly am free falling
into deep dimensions
of timelessness
a matrix of mystic seeds
in a womb filled with silent music
waiting to be born
stirring with a longing desire
to create a form

Playing with words
letting them tumble into being
sometimes claiming a place
by finding a space
on the pristine wilderness of a blank page
an untouched field of light
inviting love’s expression
a composition
that arranges itself
in a flowing revelation of new life

Life is seeking union
with love
to reveal itself
through the precious spirit
hidden within us

We are designed to receive
the Beloved
who is forever
forming us to become
the light
that reveals
the glory and grace
of love

Naomi Stone: "I am a contemplative, a mystic, a pilgrim, a seeker, a woman deeply in love with the God hidden in all of us, in all of His Creation, who comes shining out when we least expect it and takes my breath away and breathes me with His sublime Presence in everything. I have two sons and loved raising them. I was a teacher for years, taught at the university level, did some community work, helped start a hospice in our area, and worked with patients and families for years. I am consoled by Nature and the natural world and have embraced the life of a spiritual hermit." You may visit Naomi on her website here where she has shared over 700 of her poems over the last four years. You may contact her via Facebook here. 

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