Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Ziad Masri - Reality Unveiled


art parablev


 “Study quantum physics beyond a cursory level, and you’ll reach the inescapable conclusion that the reason physical particles behave in such a strange way is because they’re not physical at all. We know that everything in the universe is made up of atoms, which are usually depicted as having a big solid nucleus with electrons spinning around it in neat orbits.
But when quantum physicists took a closer look, they discovered that there’s actually nothing really there. In fact, they discovered that 99.9999999999996 percent of the atom is literally empty space. The nucleus seems to be solid but is so infinitely small as to effectively not be there. The rest is essentially a physical void.
It’s like looking at an invisible tornado-like vortex of energy with infinitely tiny particles seemingly popping into existence one moment and then out the next, with the whole thing being as insubstantial as a puff of smoke. It can’t actually be touched because, as it turns out, there’s literally nothing there to touch.
In fact, it has been calculated that if you took the entire population of the Earth, all seven billion of us, and removed all the empty space from all of our combined atoms, the entire human race would fit into a single sugar cube.
Now if that doesn’t boggle your mind, then I don’t know what will — so much for a solid world.”


Reality Unveiled by Ziad Masri


J.K. Silence



art Scott Morgan


 Silence is a state of mind in which there is the absence of the experiencer- 




Tuesday, May 7, 2024

ERIC BARET - Nothing but this obvious



 Life isn't about doing, acquire, or getting anything.
Grace occurs only in moments of not knowing, of not pretending.
We don't have to change our life.
Grace is nothing but this obvious.
Happiness is here when I no longer pretend it's anywhere else.
What I want is what I got.
In the quiet there is nowhere to go.
What I can find outside, I can lose.
So I'm not going anywhere, I'm staying here, present.


 La vie ne consiste pas à faire, à acquérir ni à obtenir quoi que ce soit.
La grâce ne frappe que dans les moments de non-savoir, de non-prétention.
Nous n'avons pas à changer notre vie.
La grâce n'est rien d'autre que cette évidence.
Le bonheur est ici lorsque je ne prétends plus qu'il est ailleurs.
Ce que je veux, c'est ce que j'ai.
Dans la tranquillité, il n'y a nulle part où aller.
Ce que je peux trouver à l'extérieur, je peux le perdre.
Alors je ne vais nulle part, je reste ici, présent. 



Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Fred LaMotte - Beautiful Lie


Non-duality is a lie.
Duality is a lie.
Creation is a beautiful lie, for the sake of love.
There is neither one nor two.
There is only zero.
This. Only zero, empty and bubbling over with infinite selves, atoms, worlds, for the sake of play.
The brilliant light of astonishment is all there is.
This instant, the cosmos bursts into flower and dissolves in the brilliant light of astonishment, and the brilliant light of astonishment is the Beloved.
Surrender and be held.
This breath is enough.
The bridal chamber of the Beloved is the very form of this moment.




Thomas Merton - To become unnameable


Art Kinuko Y. Craft


 There is no where in you a paradise
that is no place and there
You do not enter except without a story.
To enter there is to become unnameable.

Whoever is there is homeless for he has no
door and no identity with which to go out
and to come in.

Whoever is nowhere is nobody, and
therefore cannot exist except as unborn:
no disguise will avail him anything
Such a one is neither lost nor found.

But he who has an address is lost.
They fall, they fall into apartments and
are securely established!

They find themselves in streets.
They are licensed
To proceed from place to place
They now know their own names
They can name several friends and know
Their own telephones must some time ring.

If all telephones ring at once,
if all names are shouted at once and
all cars crash at one crossing:
If all cities explode and fly away in dust.
Yet identities refuse to be lost.
There is a name and number for everyone.

There is a definite place for bodies,
there are pigeon holes for ashes:

Such security can business buy!

Who would dare to go nameless in
so secure a universe?
Yet, to tell the truth,
Only the nameless are at home in it.

They hear with them in the center of nowhere
the unborn flower of nothing:
This is the paradise tree.
It must remain unseen until words end

and arguments are silent.



 via Edith.Daloia




Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Albert Einstein - Everything is determined


"Everything is determined by forces beyond our control.
Everything is determined, for the insect as for the star.
Human beings, vegetables or stardust, we all dance
to the rhythm of a mysterious tune
played in the distance by an invisible piper." 


 Albert Einstein Documents | The Library



Monday, April 15, 2024

Mary Oliver - Storage


 When I moved from
one house to another,
there were many things
I had no room for.
What does one do?
I rented a storage space
and filled it.

Years passed.

I went there
and looked in,
but nothing happened,
not a single twinge
of the heart.

As I grew older
the things I cared about
grew fewer but were
more important,
so one day I undid the lock
and called the trash man.
He took everything.

I felt like the little donkey
when his burden is finally

Things! Burn them, burn them!
Make a beautiful fire!

More room in your heart
for Love, for the trees.
For the birds who own

the reason they
can fly.




Friday, April 12, 2024

J. Krishnamurti - I really don’t know


Do you ever say you don’t know? 

Does it ever occur to you to say to yourself, ‘Really, I don’t know about this,’ and remain there? 

‘I don’t know’ – not trying to find an answer. To find an answer can only be verbal. 

Somebody tells you what to do, and you say, ‘Well, that may be.’ It is still verbal; it’s not yours. 

So why can’t we be very simple about this matter, which is, ‘I really don’t know’?

 Can you honestly say that?


From Public Discussion 6, Saanen, 9 August 1964