Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Ziad Masri - Reality Unveiled


art parablev


 “Study quantum physics beyond a cursory level, and you’ll reach the inescapable conclusion that the reason physical particles behave in such a strange way is because they’re not physical at all. We know that everything in the universe is made up of atoms, which are usually depicted as having a big solid nucleus with electrons spinning around it in neat orbits.
But when quantum physicists took a closer look, they discovered that there’s actually nothing really there. In fact, they discovered that 99.9999999999996 percent of the atom is literally empty space. The nucleus seems to be solid but is so infinitely small as to effectively not be there. The rest is essentially a physical void.
It’s like looking at an invisible tornado-like vortex of energy with infinitely tiny particles seemingly popping into existence one moment and then out the next, with the whole thing being as insubstantial as a puff of smoke. It can’t actually be touched because, as it turns out, there’s literally nothing there to touch.
In fact, it has been calculated that if you took the entire population of the Earth, all seven billion of us, and removed all the empty space from all of our combined atoms, the entire human race would fit into a single sugar cube.
Now if that doesn’t boggle your mind, then I don’t know what will — so much for a solid world.”


Reality Unveiled by Ziad Masri


J.K. Silence



art Scott Morgan


 Silence is a state of mind in which there is the absence of the experiencer- 




Tuesday, May 7, 2024

ERIC BARET - Nothing but this obvious



 Life isn't about doing, acquire, or getting anything.
Grace occurs only in moments of not knowing, of not pretending.
We don't have to change our life.
Grace is nothing but this obvious.
Happiness is here when I no longer pretend it's anywhere else.
What I want is what I got.
In the quiet there is nowhere to go.
What I can find outside, I can lose.
So I'm not going anywhere, I'm staying here, present.


 La vie ne consiste pas à faire, à acquérir ni à obtenir quoi que ce soit.
La grâce ne frappe que dans les moments de non-savoir, de non-prétention.
Nous n'avons pas à changer notre vie.
La grâce n'est rien d'autre que cette évidence.
Le bonheur est ici lorsque je ne prétends plus qu'il est ailleurs.
Ce que je veux, c'est ce que j'ai.
Dans la tranquillité, il n'y a nulle part où aller.
Ce que je peux trouver à l'extérieur, je peux le perdre.
Alors je ne vais nulle part, je reste ici, présent. 



Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Fred LaMotte - Beautiful Lie


Non-duality is a lie.
Duality is a lie.
Creation is a beautiful lie, for the sake of love.
There is neither one nor two.
There is only zero.
This. Only zero, empty and bubbling over with infinite selves, atoms, worlds, for the sake of play.
The brilliant light of astonishment is all there is.
This instant, the cosmos bursts into flower and dissolves in the brilliant light of astonishment, and the brilliant light of astonishment is the Beloved.
Surrender and be held.
This breath is enough.
The bridal chamber of the Beloved is the very form of this moment.




Thomas Merton - To become unnameable


Art Kinuko Y. Craft


 There is no where in you a paradise
that is no place and there
You do not enter except without a story.
To enter there is to become unnameable.

Whoever is there is homeless for he has no
door and no identity with which to go out
and to come in.

Whoever is nowhere is nobody, and
therefore cannot exist except as unborn:
no disguise will avail him anything
Such a one is neither lost nor found.

But he who has an address is lost.
They fall, they fall into apartments and
are securely established!

They find themselves in streets.
They are licensed
To proceed from place to place
They now know their own names
They can name several friends and know
Their own telephones must some time ring.

If all telephones ring at once,
if all names are shouted at once and
all cars crash at one crossing:
If all cities explode and fly away in dust.
Yet identities refuse to be lost.
There is a name and number for everyone.

There is a definite place for bodies,
there are pigeon holes for ashes:

Such security can business buy!

Who would dare to go nameless in
so secure a universe?
Yet, to tell the truth,
Only the nameless are at home in it.

They hear with them in the center of nowhere
the unborn flower of nothing:
This is the paradise tree.
It must remain unseen until words end

and arguments are silent.



 via Edith.Daloia




Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Albert Einstein - Everything is determined


"Everything is determined by forces beyond our control.
Everything is determined, for the insect as for the star.
Human beings, vegetables or stardust, we all dance
to the rhythm of a mysterious tune
played in the distance by an invisible piper." 


 Albert Einstein Documents | The Library



Monday, April 15, 2024

Mary Oliver - Storage


 When I moved from
one house to another,
there were many things
I had no room for.
What does one do?
I rented a storage space
and filled it.

Years passed.

I went there
and looked in,
but nothing happened,
not a single twinge
of the heart.

As I grew older
the things I cared about
grew fewer but were
more important,
so one day I undid the lock
and called the trash man.
He took everything.

I felt like the little donkey
when his burden is finally

Things! Burn them, burn them!
Make a beautiful fire!

More room in your heart
for Love, for the trees.
For the birds who own

the reason they
can fly.




Friday, April 12, 2024

J. Krishnamurti - I really don’t know


Do you ever say you don’t know? 

Does it ever occur to you to say to yourself, ‘Really, I don’t know about this,’ and remain there? 

‘I don’t know’ – not trying to find an answer. To find an answer can only be verbal. 

Somebody tells you what to do, and you say, ‘Well, that may be.’ It is still verbal; it’s not yours. 

So why can’t we be very simple about this matter, which is, ‘I really don’t know’?

 Can you honestly say that?


From Public Discussion 6, Saanen, 9 August 1964



Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Naomi Stone - Sparkling wine of Love


Come...come sip the wine from the fountain of life....

How do I open the treasure chest of the heart
to entice you to dive into your own...

coaxing you to tumble down the vortex of love
like Alice falling into the metaphors of wonderland...

enticing you to breathe the fragrance in the mystical garden
of the sweetest sanctuary of belovedness...

hearing the sweet cries of the nightingale
bewitched by the shimmering dew on the wild roses...

i stumble and fall into the spring of eternal youth
and meet the sound of laughter within my own heart...

come and play in the beauty letting the fireflies light the way
through the unknown creativity in your soul...

step out of your dreams into the enchanting stars
where the mystics sing and the free ones dance...

the pure spring of joy bubbles from the earth
waiting for you to sip the sparkling wine of love...


Friday, April 5, 2024

Nathalie Delay - In Silence


It’s interesting to observe how hard it is to stay alone,
in silence, without distractions.
We are afraid to be face-to-face with ourselves.
Face-to-face with our impatience, our agitation, our worry.
Face-to-face with the depth of our being.
We are afraid to dive into the infinite space of our true nature,
when no attribute nor any -  story covers it up.
And yet it calls to us in silence,
but we don’t listen.
And yet we have an acute and painful longing for it,
like exiles too long cut off from their homeland.
So, instead of trying to fill the space which has appeared,
let us give ourselves over to silence, to the absence of certainty.
Let us not miss the incredible opportunity to be,
in all simplicity and humility
and taste the nectar of pure presence
when there are no more expectations, only the gift of self.
Let us not miss the unique chance to taste the substance of the moment
when no superfluous activity waters it down.


Monday, March 25, 2024

J. Krishnamurti - Life begins where thought ends



Beautiful extract from 'The Only Revolution': J Krishnamurti

"If you pass on through the meadows with their thousand flowers of every color imaginable, from bright red to yellow and purple, and their bright green grass washed clean by last night’s rain, rich and verdant – again without a single movement of the machinery of thought–then you will know what love is.
To look at the blue sky, the high full-blown clouds, the green hills with their clear lines against the sky, the rich grass and the fading flower–to look without a word of yesterday; then, when the mind is completely quiet, silent, undisturbed by any thought, when the observer is completely absent–then there is unity.
Not that you are united with the flower, or with the cloud, or with those sweeping hills; rather there is a feeling of complete non-being in which the division between you and another ceases.

The woman carrying those provisions which she bought in the market, the big black Alsatian dog, the two children playing with the ball–if you can look at all these without a word, without a measure, without any association, then the quarrel between you and another ceases. This state, without the word, without thought, is the expanse of mind that has no boundaries, no frontiers within which the I and the not-I can exist.

Don’t think this is imagination, or some flight of fancy, or some desired mystical experience; it is not. It is as actual as the bee on that flower or the little girl on her bicycle or the man going up a ladder to paint the house – the whole conflict of the mind in its separation has come to an end. You look without the look of the observer, you look without the value of the word and the measurement of yesterday.

The look of love is different from the look of thought. The one leads in a direction where thought cannot follow, and the other leads to separation, conflict, and sorrow. From this sorrow, you cannot go to the other. The distance between the two is made by thought, and thought cannot by any stride reach the other.

As you walk back by the little farmhouses, the meadows, and the railway line, you will see that yesterday has come to an end: life begins where thought ends.

J. Krishnamurti
The Only Revolution



PDF download 



Sunday, March 24, 2024

Rumi - ...In Silence


A guide has entered this life in silence.
His message is only heard in silence.

Take a sip of his precious wine
And lose yourself.
Don’t insult the greatness of his love,
For he helps all those who suffer, in silence.

Polish the mirror between the breaths.
Go with him, beyond words.
He knows your every deed.
He is the one
who moves the wheel of heaven, in silence.

Every thought is buried in your heart;
He will reveal them one by one, in silence.
Turn each of your thoughts into a bird
And let them fly to the other world.
One is an owl, one is a falcon, one is a crow.
Each one is different from the others
But they are all the same in silence.

To see the Moon that cannot be seen
Turn your eyes inward
and look at yourself, in silence.

In this world and the next,
Don’t talk about this and that;
Let him show you everything,
shining as one . . . in silence.

from Rumi - In the arms of the Beloved - Jonathan Star




Robert Adams - So what is left?


Student: It's like when you ask the question, "Who am I?" there's a kind of a blank spot, a blank space before anything comes up is that what you say consciousness is?

Robert: Space is consciousness, correct. The space in between "Who am I?" is the real self. Abide in that. If you continue the practice, after a while, the space will grow longer and longer and longer. You will say, "Who am I?" and pause and you will sooner get lost in consciousness. Then you start thinking again, and you go back to "Who am I?" and there'll be another long space, until "who am I?" stops completely and you become yourself. So as you continue the practice, the space in between becomes longer and longer.

Student: Robert, is the Self clear space or a blank or the perceiver of the space or the blank?

Robert: The space is not a blank. It is not a perceiver. It is nothing that you can qualify. Nothing that you can discuss. Nothing that is known. For space to be known, there has to be a knower. And as long as there's a knower, that's not it. So you have to go beyond that. To silence. Consciousness is silence. Silence is consciousness. They're both the same.

Student: Robert, in a sense the space is not an 'It', but I and that is a problem in a sense, that we see it as it and not I?

Robert: You exist. You exist where there is space and you exist where there is 'I'. So who exists as space? Who exists as 'I'? Ask the question. Who exists? Confer. Follow the existence. Follow the 'I'. And you will come to nothing. You will come to consciousness by itself. But do not believe that the void is it. Many people experience the void and they think the void is it. But don't you exist in the void? (tape break) (Robert continues) ...there is nothing that can be explained. As long as you can explain it, it's not it. So what is left? Silence, quietness.



Sunday, March 10, 2024

Andrew Harvey ~ The Direct Path



 ~The Paradox of the Journey~

All major mystical traditions have recognized that there is a paradox at the heart of the journey of return to Origin.

Put simply, this is that we are already what we seek, and that what we are looking for on the Path with such an intensity of striving and passion and discipline is already within and around us at all moments. The journey and all its different ordeals are all emanations of the One Spirit that is manifesting everything in all dimensions; every rung of the ladder we climb toward final awareness is made of the divine stuff of awareness itself.

Divine Consciousness is at once creating and manifesting all things and acting in and as all things in various states of self-disguise throughout all the different levels and dimensions of the universe.

The great Hindu mystic Kabir put this paradox with characteristic simplicity when he said:

Look at you, you madman,
Screaming you are thirsty
And are dying in a desert
When all around you there
is nothing but water!

And the Sufi poet Rumi reminds us:

You wander from room to room
Hunting for the diamond necklace
That is already around your neck!



Tuesday, February 27, 2024

J. Krishnamurti - Have you not noticed ?


"Have you not noticed
that love is silence?
It may be while holding the hand of another
or looking lovingly at a child,
or taking in the beauty of an evening.
Love has no past or future, and so it is
with this extraordinary state of silence."

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Djalâl ad-Dîn Rûmî - The True Kaaba



Circle the Kaaba of the heart
if you possess a heart.
The heart is the true Kaaba,
the other is just a stone.

God enjoined the ritual
of circling the formal Kaaba
as a way for you to find a heart.

But if your feet walk
around the Kaaba a thousand times,
and yet you injure a heart,
do you expect to be accepted?

Give everything away, but gain a heart,
and its light will stay with you
even as far as the dark night of the grave.

Bring a thousand bags of gold coins to God,
and He will only tell you:
“Bring the heart if you come to Us.

“As silver and gold have no value Here,
it is the heart that We demand, if you desire Me.”

In the realms of the Throne, the Tablet, and the
Pen, that which seems worthless, the heart in ruins,
is the most precious thing.

Don’t debase it—even though distressed,
the heart is most precious in distress.

The ruined heart attracts God’s attention.
How happy is the soul that practices caring for it.

Comforting the wretched heart
in its time of need and pain
is more valuable to the Creator
than performing the outer pilgrimage.

The ruined hearts are God’s stores of treasure;
great treasures are buried in these ruins.

Tie the belt of service
and become a servant of hearts,
and the way to the Mystery may open up within you.

If you yearn for holy felicity,
shed your arrogance
and become a seeker of hearts.

When the goodwill of hearts is with you,
fountains of wisdom will begin to flow
from within your own being.

The water of life will cascade
from your speech like a river;
your Christlike breath
will become a remedy for disease.

For a single Heart all the worlds came into being;
listen to the lips that recite
the subtle point of Except for thee
I would not have created the worlds.

How else would the universe exist!
This universe of rust and dirt, of planets and stars.

Silence! A description of the heart
is impossible with words,

even if every cell of your body had a tongue. 



Sunday, February 4, 2024

Yunus Emre - A taste of Love



 Whatever I say, You are the subject.
Wherever I go, every impulse is toward You.
It’s true, those who don’t love You are soul-less dolls,
but the living need a Beloved like You.
You’ve veiled Yourself from the whole universe.
At a single sight of You it would perish.
Giants and elves, humans, angelic powers,
all beings are in love with You.
The seraphim and maidens of paradise crowd around You
and can’t bear to leave Your presence.
From your hand poison is a delicious drink.
My soul is healed by anything You do.
When I eat something sweet without You, it’s bitter.
You are the soul’s taste, what else could I want?
If my soul  suffered a hundred wounds,
my joy would not decrease.
This love washes everything clean.
Yunus is just one atom of it. This planet, this whole universe is born from a taste of love

Translated from Turkish
by Kabir Helminski and Refik Algan
Original Title of the poem:
Ne söz keleci der isem dilim seni söyleyecek



Friday, February 2, 2024

Naimy Mikhail--The Book Of Mirdad


 You live that you may learn to love. You love is that you may learn to live. No other reason is required of Man.

And what is to love but for the lover to absorb forever the beloved so that the twain be one?

And whom, or what, is one to love? Is one to choose a certain leaf upon the Tree of Life and pour upon it all one’s heart? What of the branch that bears the leaf? What of the stem that holds the branch? What of the bark that shields the stem? What of the roots that feed the bark, the stem, the branches and the leaves? What of the soil embosoming the roots? What of the sun, and sea, and air that fertilize the soil?

If one small leaf upon a the tree be worthy of your love how much more so the tree in its enterity? The love that singles out a fraction of the whole foredooms itself to grief.

You say, 'But there be leaves upon a single tree. Some are healthy, some are sick; some are beautiful, some are ugly; some are giants, some are dwarfs. How can we help but pick and choose?'
I say to you. Out of the paleness of the sick process the freshness of the healthy. I further say to you that ugliness is Beauty's palette, paint and brush: and that the dwarf would not have been a dwarf had he not given of his stature to the giant.

You are the tree of Life. Beware of fractionating yourselves. Set not a fruit against a fruit, a leaf against a leaf, a bough against a bough; nor set the stem against the roots; nor set the tree against the mother- soil. That is precisely what you do when you love one part more than the rest, or to the exclusion of the rest.

You are the Tree of Life. Your roots are everywhere. Your boughs and leaves are everywhere. Your fruits are in every mouth. Whatever be the fruits upon that tree; whatever be its boughs and leaves; whatever be the roots; they are your fruits; they are your leaves and boughs; they are your roots. If you would have the tree bear sweet and fragrant fruit, if you would have it ever strong and green, see to the sap wherewith you feed the roots.

Love is the Sap of Life. While Hatred is the pus of Death. But Love, like blood, must circulate unhindered in the veins. Repress the blood, and it becomes a menace and a plague. And what is Hate but Love repressed, or Love withheld, therefore becoming such a deadly poison both to the feeder and the fed; both to the hater and to that he hates. A yellow leaf upon your tree of life is but a Love-weaned leaf, Blame not the yellow leaf. A withered bough is but a Love-starved bough. Blame not the withered bough. A putrid fruit is but a Hatred-suckled fruit. Blame not the putrid fruit. But rather blame your blind and stingy heart that would dole out the sap of life to few and would deny it to many, thereby denying it to itself.

No love is possible except by the love of self. No self is real save the All-embracing Self. Therefore is God all Love, because he loves himself.

So long as you are pained by Love, you have not found your real self, nor have you found the golden key of Love. Because you love an ephemeral self, your love is ephemeral.

For in loving anything, or anyone, you love in truth but yourselves. Likewise in hating anything, or anyone, you hate in truth but yourselves. For that which you hate is bound up inseparably with that which you love, like the face and the reverse side of the same coin. If you would be honest with yourselves, then must you love what you hate and what hates you before you love what you love and what loves you.

Love is not a virtue. Love is a necessity; more so than bread and water; more so than light and air.

 Let no one pride himself on loving. But rather breathe in Love and breathe it out just as unconsciously and freely as you breathe in the air and breathe it out.

For Love needs no one to exalt it. Love will exalt the heart that it finds worthy of itself.

Seek no rewards for Love. Love is reward sufficient unto Love, as Hate is punishment sufficient unto Hate.

Nor keep any accounts with Love. For Love accounts to no one but itself.
Love neither lends nor borrows; Love neither buys nor sells; but when it gives, it gives its all; and when it takes, it takes its all. Its very taking is a giving. Its very giving is a taking. Therefore is it the same to-day, to-morrow and forevermore.





Friday, January 26, 2024

Nancy Neithercut - Life simply happens


pic Sharon Kingston


 life simply happens
Utterly spontaneously
All by itself
There are no things nor non things
It does not arise from some really big thing
No source nor god
Nor does it arise from emptiness or nothingness...
Simultaneously arising and self-erasing
Looking and feeling like anything at all
how beautifully the dream spins itself
raveling and unravelling
blooming and wilting
sound and silence
color and light
and dark

clearly, clearly
without any one to know
thought paints echoes
of a flowing dreamscape
that has no edges
nor center
nor outside
from which to view it
or change it
or pour endless love letters
into the sea of dreams

ripples endlessly flowing
caused by no stone
nor wind
even your beautiful reflection
has no face
even this beauty
this awe
this heartbreakingly wondrous
spin into this fairytale
of love

this dream of a dream within a dream
sourceless reflections twirl
above and below
into and through each other
seemingly drawing lines
with space and time

between here and there
there is no distance
when all measurement is made up
there is no before or after
when separate moments are imaginary
there is no outline of sky
nor inline of tree
nor any thing that can be captured
as there is no hand to grasp the flowing
that neither moves
or stays still
no one who sings
nor is silent

we are but
an echoes dream
there is no sound
no dream...
no words...
yet all these words
paint the dream 




Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Ibn 'Arabi - There is no other



I am calling to you from afar,

Calling to you since the very beginning of days,

Calling to you across millennia

For aeons of time.

Calling, calling…Since always.

It is part of your being, my voice.

But it comes to you faintly

and you only hear it sometimes.

‘I don’t know’, you may say,

but somewhere you know.

‘I can’t hear’, you say, “What is it and where?”

But somewhere you hear, and deep down,

you know.

For I am that in you,

which has always been.

I am that in you,

which will never end.

Even if you say, “Who is calling?”

Even if you think, “Who is that?”

Where will you run? just tell me.

Can you run away from yourself?

For I am the only one for you

There is no other

Your promise, your reward I am alone,

Your punishment, your longing and your goal. 



Saturday, January 13, 2024

David Carse - All That Is




 It has become obvious that none of this
is what it once seemed.
We are all dream characters in a dream.
Source, Spirit, God, Goddess, gods...
or: 'my true self,'  'my higher self'...
or: devas, angles, spirit guides,
forces good or evil...
or: guru, sat-guru, master, teacher...
these are all concepts, human ideas, constructs;
and, as such, dream characters here with us in the dream.
There is no separate 'God,' just as there is no separate 'us.'
All these are projections.  What there is, is This.
All That Is.
This is not just another name for God.
Not a being named 'God' or 'Source'
or anything else, outside of, other than, What Is.
In all reality there are not two.  There is only
All That Is.  
You, who you really are when you say "I am"
and I, who I really am when I say "I am"
are the same "I am"
All That Is.
'you,'  'me,'  'we,' apparent individuals,
are dream characters in the dream which
'I,' All That Is, dreams.
There is no we, no me, no you.
Even the dream is within
All That Is.
That is who You really are,
not the you you think you are.




'Perfect Brilliant Stillness'




Monday, January 8, 2024

Mahmoud Shabestari - The wine of rapture



 THE wine, lit by a ray from his face,
Reveals the bubbles of form,
Such as the material world and the soul-world,
Which appear as veils to the saints.
Universal Reason seeing this is astounded,
Universal Soul is reduced to servitude.
Drink wine ! for the bowl is the face of the Friend.
Drink wine ! for the cup is his eye, drunken and flown with wine.
Drink wine ! and be free from heart-coldness,
For a drunkard is better than the self-satisfied.
The whole world is his tavern,
His wine-cup the heart of each atom,
Reason is drunken, angels drunken, soul drunken,
Air drunken, earth drunken, heaven drunken.
The sky, dizzy from the wine-fumes' aroma,
Is staggering to and fro ;
The angels, sipping pure wine from goblets,
Pour down the dregs on the world ;
From the scent of these dregs man rises to heaven.
Inebriated from the draught, the elements
Fall into water and fire.
Catching the reflection, the frail body becomes a soul,
And the frozen soul by its heat
Thaws and becomes living.
The creature world remains giddy,
For ever straying from house and home.
One from the dregs' odour becomes a philosopher,
One viewing the wine's colour becomes a relater,
One from half a draught becomes religious,
One from a bowlful becomes a lover,
Another swallows at one draught
Goblet, tavern, cup-bearer, and drunkards ;
He swallows all, but still his mouth stays open.



The secret rose garden:





Søren Kierkegaard - Being silent


As my prayer became more attentive and inward
I had less and less to say.
I finally became completely silent.
I started to listen
– which is even further removed from speaking.
I first thought that praying entailed speaking.
I then learnt that praying is hearing,
not merely being silent.
This is how it is.
To pray does not mean to listen to oneself speaking,
Prayer involves becoming silent,
And being silent,
And waiting until God is heard.


 Thanks to

Edith Daloia 



Saturday, January 6, 2024

Djalâl ad-Dîn Rûmî - Shams of Tabriz



 When I start over, he is my leader.
When I seek my heart, he is its beloved.
When I search for peace, he is my intercessor.
When I go to war, he is my dagger.
When I come to a gathering, he is the wine and sweets.
When I enter the rose garden, he is the narcissus.
When I go into a mine, he is the ruby and carnelian.
When I come into the sea, he is the pearl.
When I wander in the desert, he is the oasis.
When I fly to the heavens, he is the stars.
When I exercise patience, he is my heart.
When I burn with heartache, he is the censer.
When I enter battle in wartime,
he, as commander, controls the formation of the ranks.
When I go to a banquet for festivities,
he is the wine pourer, musician, and cup.
When I write letters to friends,
he is the paper, pen, and ink.
When I awaken, he is my new awareness.
When I fall asleep, he enters my dreams.
When I seek a verse for my poetry,
he stretches my mind for rhyme.
Whatever form you can imagine,
he stands above it—
like painter and pen.
No matter how much higher you look,
he is higher than that “higher” of yours.
Go and leave behind lectures and textbooks.
You’d be better off having him as your manual.
Now be silent, for all six directions are his light.
And when you pass beyond the six directions, he is the ruler.
O love, your satisfaction is my satisfaction—
this is what’s most effective.
And your secret is my secret—
therefore, I won’t reveal it.
Bravo, Shams of Tabriz,
who is shining like the sun,
and deeply worthy of himself.


In Rumi’s imagination, Shams, in reflecting the beauty of
the beloved, assumed the place of the qibla—the direction
for prayer. The qibla directs the bodily prayer practice of
Islam, whereas a shaykh guides the soul through the inner
mystical dimensions of the religion. According to Rumi, the
mystical dimension is essential to religious devotion. He
even boldly suggests that in a heightened state of spiritual
ecstasy, the outer world—including the most sacred site of
Islam—can disappear completely.
The Ka‘ba is the black-clothed cube shrine in Mecca,
which Muslims believe was rebuilt at God’s command by
Abraham and Ishmael. In its eastern corner is the Black
Stone set in a ring of silver, which pilgrims kiss, touch, or
point to while on pilgrimage. For Rumi, praying toward
Mecca was obligatory for the body, but gazing upon the face
of Shams was prayer for the soul. Shams pointed Rumi’s
longing and loving heart toward the divine within.

The Gift of Rumi: Experiencing the Wisdom of the Sufi Master