The psyche, what you are, may be the result of fear. And probably is. So it is important to understand the depth and the meaning of fear. And that is time and thought.
J. Krishnamurti
Talk 2, New York, 1983
When I look at the other with a loving look, I reveal to them their deep nature, reminding them of their true identity. As it is said in Hakuin's song: "You wander among beggars without remembering who you are." "The look of the one who loves me, the look that sees in me what I am in my depth places me in my royalty, puts me back in the original light."
We often say love is blind, it is seeing. He sees what others don't. He sees behind the appearances, behind all the protections I built up to protect my heart. All my life, I am threatened from everywhere, by my educators, and anyone who wants to impose their views on me. Protecting myself for a lifetime. But the look that loves me melts away all the shells I once hid in order to survive.
And in the end, love is there, of course, to reveal to us that "God is nowhere else but everywhere", that in every being that meets me on this earth, in every look that meets me. Love is there to tell us: in every being I meet, I meet You. This experience of love and passion in our existence, Master Eckhart describes when he makes God say, “There is no room for two in you, I can only come in if you come out.” ". This is what we feel in passion when we are struck out like a tree trunk by lightning, when there is nothing left inside us but that bland, vibrating void. The presence of the other. This absolute experience of the sacred. This mystical experience - since the meeting of man and woman is of the same nature as the meeting of soul and God.
Christiane Singer, good use of crises
Be courageous enough to meet life from the unknown—without a safety net, without hope, without past, and without future.
Without the hope of salvation—without running away from or running toward anything in your mind—you are forced to fall into the open space of being-ness.
And in this openness, you fall out of time and out of imagination, right into the present.
In other words, you become present—you become totally available to the essential being-ness of life.
In presence, you and life have collapsed into each other— there is no longer a “future life,” it’s all happening now.
In this eternal now, you and life are one—and when you are one with what is, how can you possibly fear what is?
It’s like fearing your self, and that’s ridiculous—because your self, the being-ness that you already are, never leaves you.
Being-ness is totally dependable—it is always here.
Now you are in touch with a deeper kind of trust—one that is not based on something.
It is no longer a conceptual trust, but one that is inherent in the nature of presence.
It is inherent in the nature of life, because life is always what is here in the present—it can’t be anywhere else.
This deeper trust has no meaning to the mind, but complete meaningfulness to your natural state.
And even if you fail, even if life leads you to a seeming dead-end, even if you are handed an unwanted circumstance, even if you don’t get to your desired destination of perfect happiness, even if your heart is broken open over and over again—you will still trust the presence that holds it all.
In many parts of this world water is
Scarce and precious.
People sometimes have to walk
A great distance
Then carry heavy jugs upon their
Because of our wisdom, we will travel
Far for love.
All movement is a sign of
Most speaking really says,
"I am hungry to know you."
Every desire of your body is holy;
Every desire of your body is
Dear one,
Why wait until you are dying
To discover that divine