The power of quiet is great. It generates the same feelings in everything one encounters. It vibrates with the cosmic rhythm of oneness. It is everywhere, available to anyone at any time. It is us, the force within that makes us stable, trusting, and loving. It is contemplation contemplating. Peace is letting go – returning to the silence that cannot enter the realm of words because it is too pure to be contained in words. This is why the tree, the stone, the river, and the mountain are quiet.~
'POSITIVE' is not positive without 'negative', and 'negative' is not negative without 'positive'. Therefore they can only be two halves of one whole, two conceptual aspects of one whole that as a whole cannot be conceived —precisely because it is this which seeks to conceive.
'Being' cannot be without 'non-being', and 'non- being' cannot not be without 'being'. Therefore they can only be two conceptual aspects of one whole that as such cannot be conceived—in which there is neither being nor non-being as objective existences.
'Appearance' (form) cannot appear without 'void' (voidness of appearance), and 'void' cannot be voidness of appearance without 'appearance'. Therefore they must be two conceptual aspects of what is objectively inconceivable —as which their identity is absolute in non-objectivity.
'Subject' has no conceptual existence apart from 'object', nor 'object' apart from 'subject'. They, too, are twin spinning aspects of the inconceivable in which they are inevitably reunited in mutual negation.
Where there is neither positive nor negative, being nor non-being, appearance nor void, subject nor object, there must be identity. But identity cannot perceive itself, and that is what we are. That is why only he who does not know can speak, and why he who knows cannot speak —for what-he-is cannot be an object of what-he-is, and so cannot be perceived or described.
Positive and negative, being and non-being, appearance and void, subject and object, can be conceived by us because, as 'us', mind is divided into subject-conceiving and object-conceived but, re-identified with what they are, we are their total objective absence—which is thought of as pure undivided mind.
Spend your life finding out your own state. Those other mysteries will come clear.
God is depth. And you, you fool, you are also deep. The same depth is in you.
Don't worry about terminology, pre-existence, the original face, spirit, soul. Search within yourself. The great mystery is there. Everyone talks about gnosticism and dervishes. Those are just words.
I want someone with a pulse, a living friend, who says directly to me, You are a part. I am the whole. Come into this awareness. Get to know me.
Excerpts from the Sayings of Shams Tabriz Soul Fury Rumi and Shams Tabriz on Friendship