Friday, December 24, 2021

Chuck Surface ~ The Beloved's Embrace

What do I care for a Transcendent Absolute,
Devoid of qualities and attributes?

Give me the Rapturous Ecstasy,
Of The Beloved's Embrace!

Let me Dance with The Beautiful One,
While I exist to Dance.
For if, in Heaven, She and I are no more,
I will linger here, in sha' Allah*.

Let me gaze upon Her Beautiful Face,
As all that fills my sight.
For if, in Heaven, The Beloved is hidden,
I will linger here, in sha' Allah.

Let me hear Her wordless Whisper,
In still silence, and clamorous din.
For if, in Heaven, Her Voice is unheard,
I will linger here, in sha' Allah.

Let me savor the taste of Her Radiance,
As the Wine of my own Existence.
For if, in Heaven, The Tavern is closed,
I will linger here, in sha' Allah.

Let me feel Her Touch, palpable and real,
As a Rapturous Presence, within.
For if, in Heaven, She is far removed,
I will linger here, in sha' Allah.

Let me inhale Her Fragrance,
As the Perfume of Grace, here on Earth.
For if, in Heaven, Love is unscented,
I will linger here, in sha' Allah.

What do I care for a Transcendent Absolute,
Devoid of qualities and attributes?

Give me the Rapturous Ecstasy,
Of The Beloved's Embrace!
