Sadness is one of the deep emotions and it needs to be kept objectively. Sadness or melancholy is one of the essential feelings. A kind of feeling of tranquility Deep down is feeling that what we are looking for is not attainable in objective situations. I feel that no matter what I do, the motivation that drives me, which is unique, which is to be quiet, will not find completion.
When a form of maturity comes, that sadness is constantly there because no matter what I do, I know I won't find what I pretend to find. Sadness in that sense is a form of maturity. When you know this sadness, you can't fall in love anymore. Falling in love would be pretending, again, that I'll be able to find something somewhere, which is impossible in maturity. In this sadness there is no room left for expectation of any satisfaction in the objective world, in the phenomenal world.
When I see clearly that no phenomenal situation can ever satisfy me, that I live with this realization, this sadness becomes an elongation, a feeling. It's no longer the sadness of something missing, but it's like a perfume that little by little gets the nose. At first, the fragrance is in space, we can't smell it from, then, slowly, we discover its origin.
When we are matured enough to keep sadness in mind, a certain backlash occurs. But people who constantly deny sadness, fall in love, get excited about this or that can never go back to the source. They have this challenge on the moment, then deny its authenticity thinking again that a relationship, a situation, something will fulfill them... There comes a time when we no longer deny this sadness.
Nothing can make us go forward what goes on, is the same thing. There's no more intentional dynamism. There is an organic dynamism, because the nature of life is action, but there is nothing that moves us towards something. At this point this sadness becomes actual sadness. And it turns out to be a path, like smoke we follow, that will lead back to what is felt... This is becoming a nostalgia. But the slightest betrayal of this nostalgia, thinking that this or that will satisfy me, drives me to confusion.
According to the Indian approach, sadness is the ultimate feeling. This is the feeling of separation. All Indian music is based on the sense of separation. In the art of miniature Himalayan foothills, Radha is often seen looking for Krishna.
The basic emotion is sadness. This sadness leaves no room for anyone else, no room for falling in love with anything else. This sadness burns every objective situation. Can no longer wait... At that moment that sadness alchemically transforms into non objective feeling. There is no direction to this feeling that becomes a way of life, which leaves no room anymore for a dynamism to go somewhere, to wait, to hope. This is the true sadness.
But as long as one is sad about something, sad because something isn't there or something happened, we deny that true sadness. So we stick to sadness, which becomes a form of poison for the body, for the psyche, for the thought. It is in this conviction that there is nothing for me in objective situations that this sadness transforms into feeling.
There's nothing you can do about it; it's maturity. I can't mature willingly, but I can realize my immaturity. I can realize that I'm constantly attracted to this, by this, constantly trying to build a relationship, maintain a relationship, hoping for a relationship, wanting to end a relationship, wanting this, wanting that, finding myself like this, like that, thinking that eventually, maybe when i've done this, reach this, it'll be better. It's a pretense, a denial of the deep feeling that there's nothing that can satisfy me. When I deny that feeling while waiting for something that can satisfy me, life is miserable. When I clearly see this mechanism within me, then sadness is no longer sad. She becomes a feeling, a fast of the heart.
The understanding that there is nothing for me in the objective world is a fasting of thought. But the most important is the fast of the heart: sadness. I no longer search for emotion. The only emotion I want is this sadness and this feeling. There is no objective ramification, no direction for me...
To be open to sadness is fidelity to the reality of the moment. Rid of all its intentional attachments, this sadness collapses into our hearing. Loyalty without objection to the core. Tears of joy.
"The one and only desire. Within the nakedness of tantra"
Eric Baret