Tuesday, February 1, 2022

John Zerzan: Silence


“The deepest passions are nurtured in silent ways and depths.”

AMERICAN ECOPHILOSOPHER, speaker and author John Zerzan (born 10th August 1943), graduate of Stanford University, is an eminent commentator on critiques of civilization and technology. Author of numerous books and scholarly articles, his most renowned work, Future Primitive, was published in 1994; his latest book, When We Are Human, written as an antidote to the darkness of the pandemic, was released in 2021.

Considering the spiritual as a vitally important aspect of the green anarchy/anarcho-primitivist milieu in this time of deepening crisis, John has given motivational talks all over the world and continues to deliver his weekly broadcasts, courtesy of Anarchy Radio, which are all archived at johnzerzan.net.

In this month’s guest post for The Culturium, John draws upon his extensive research of Western philosophy, psychology and literature, investigating the most elusive subject matter of all—silence.



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