Sunday, April 25, 2021

Jan Frazier - This moment


“Begin with this, and end with this: the present moment is it.
It’s all there is. It will never be otherwise.
When you give yourself to the present moment, you sense the eternal that is your deep interior.
Here, there is the felt oneness of the spiritual and whatever might have looked like the antithesis of the spiritual.
Awareness in the act of feeling its aliveness, its beingness: that is the moment.
That’s life. That’s you. That’s the whole thing. It’s the sensation of being awake.
There’s not a perceiver and a perceived. There’s not a someone experiencing a something.
It’s only in the mind that the whole can be teased apart into components,
or that moments can be strung together into an image of ‘life’.
See that you do not exist apart from your aliveness this moment.
What better way to prepare the ground for awakening than to be alive to the present?
What could be a more fertile field for transformation?
Who would awakening come to, if not one who’s awake to this moment?”

Jan Frazier - "The Freedom of Being"


Thanks to Eve Reece

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