Sunday, November 26, 2017

D.T. Suzuki - Zen

Zen in its essence is the art of seeing into the nature of one’s own being, and it points the way from bondage to freedom.
By making us drink right from the fountain of life, it liberates us from all the yokes under which we finite beings are usually suffering in this world.
We can say that Zen liberates all the energies properly and naturally stored in each of us, which are in ordinary circumstances cramped and distorted so that they find no adequate channel for activity.
This body of ours is something like an electric battery in which a mysterious power latently lies.
When this power is not properly brought into operation, it either grows mouldy and withers away or is warped and expresses itself abnormally.
It is the object of Zen, therefore, to save us from going crazy or being crippled.
This is what I mean by freedom, giving free play to all the creative and benevolent impulses inherently lying in our hearts.
Generally, we are blind to this fact, that we are in possession of all the necessary faculties that will make us happy and loving towards one another.
All the struggles that we see around us come from this ignorance.
Zen, therefore, wants us to open a “third eye,” as Buddhists call it, to the hitherto undreamed-of-region shut away from us through ignorance.
When the cloud of ignorance disappears, the infinity of the heavens is manifested, where we see for the first time into the nature of our own being. 

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