Sunday, October 6, 2024

Christian Bobin - Silence is the highest form of thought


For a long time I let this slow movement towards the unknown, 
this highest form of knowledge, be fulfilled in me: 
the dream, the worship of silence. 
It is never in vain that we give way 
to this elementary beauty which seizes the soul 
in the spiral of a star or anything in the world:
such certainty soothes the hours when I do not write, as those when I write. 
It illuminates the night and its angelic sister, solitude. 
Silence is the highest form of thought 
and it is by developing in us this silent attention 
mute to the day, that we will find our place 
in the absolute that surrounds us.
It is ours when all is lacking and all is far from being _ 
to give our life the patience of a work of art, 
the flexibility of reeds that the hand of 
the wind wrinkles, In homage to winter. 
A little silence is enough. 
A little of this immaterial food that the mother dispensed 
by reading a story that dug the night and burned it to infinity...

Christian Bobin -The simple enchantment

Monday, September 30, 2024

Shams-e Tabrîzî said to Jalāl al-Dīn Rūmī

Happy Birthday Beloved Rumi ♡
"A hundred more years from now,
My Poems will be your evening-talks,
Just like Joseph's beauty!"
Today (September 30, 2024) is Mv Rumi's 817th Birthday,
and just as he had said, Rumi's Wisdom is still enlightening our Globe.

                                                                      “Shams said to Rumi:
—You are a scholar, a leader, 
a guide, and an authority!

Rumi answered:
—I am no longer the scholar, leader, 
and guide of the external world… 
I am one of the poor on a journey 
in the world beyond reason, 
lit by the torch you sparked.

Shams said again:
—You still maintain rational thinking! 
Since you could not go beyond reason, 
you are not a native of this region!

Rumi responded:
—From now on, 
I will veil my mind with my heart… 
I became crazy… 
With your spiritual guidance, 
I became a native of this land.

Shams said:
—You still make calculations! 
You are not intoxicated with love! 
You are out of this world! 
This world is lit not by mind but by love. 
You cannot even see what is before you!

Rumi said to Shams:
—Since that moment, 
with your spiritual guidance, 
I became a fire from top to bottom 
entirely covered by love and ecstasy.

This time Shams said:
—You are the torch of this community! 
Your place is high.

Rumi said:
—From now on, my torch is extinguished. 
In my eye, it is no different 
from the May beetle. 
I am now walking under the light 
of other torches.

Shams said:
—You are not dead. 
You still maintain your external life. 
You cannot cross through this door 
like that to the other side. 
You have to completely abandon 
your mundane existence.

Rumi answered:
—It was in the past. 
After I met you, I am no longer alive 
in the conventional sense. 
I have died as I have come across 
a new type of existence.

Shams said to him:
—You still rely on your ego at some points. 
You still maintain your position and titles. 
Free yourself from them.

Rumi replied:
—From now on, I will be seeking position 
in the divine presence 
to which you are drawing me. 
I have abandoned my earlier existence 
and whatever belongs to it. 
I have surpassed it all.

Shams said:
—You still have arms and wings! 
Therefore, I cannot give you 
new arms and wings!

Rumi answered:
—From now on, I will break my arms and wings, 
so that I can become your arms and wings!”

At that moment, Shams was convinced 
that his mission was over 
as he had given him wings to travel 
to the horizons full of divine manifestations… 
And he left him alone in the world 
of blissful separation from the world of union.

From The Garden Of Mathnawi
Tranlators Sencer Ecer & Abdullah Penman


Saturday, September 28, 2024

The Melody of Silence - from the Qur'an


**The Melody of Silence**

In the depths of the soul, where words dissolve,

Sounds a secret melody,

A music that no ear can hear,

For it is woven from the very silence,

This sacred silence, where the world ceases to whisper,

And where the eternal song of the Divine begins.

_"And when the heavens are split in two,

Obedient to their Lord,

They will accomplish their mission._

-Qur'an, 84:1-2

This melody has neither beginning nor end,

She is the echo of an ancient Love,

A Love that exists before time,

Before the stars are lit,

Before the universe was woven.

She is the first breath,

He who gave life to clay,

And which continues to resonate in the hearts of those who listen,

With the ears of the soul.

_"By the Breath of the Most Merciful,

He taught the Qur'an,

He created man,

He taught her how to express herself._

-Qur'an, 55:1-4

In the melody of silence,

Each note is a prayer,

Each break, a return to the Source.

Those who have passed through the tempests of ego,

And the torments of the spirit,

Know that this music is not found in the noise of the world,

But in inner quietude,

Where heaven and earth meet,

In the sacred union of being and non-being.

_"And whoever trusts in God,

God suffices._

- Quran, 65:3

The melody of silence is the voice of Love,

Who speaks without words,

Who touches without touching,

Who kisses without hugging.

It is the melody that the prophets heard in their hearts,

When they were alone with the Beloved,

When the night enveloped the world,

And the whole cosmos seemed to hold its breath,

Waiting for the Light to reveal itself.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Shabistari - The Secret of the Universe


Non-being is the mirror of Absolute Being. 

There, the radiance of Reality is reflected 

And grasps its reflection in a second. 

Unity is manifest in plurality

Just as, when you count one, it becomes many. 

All numbers begin by one,

Yet you can never find their end.

Since Non-being is pure in itself

It is in it that the "bidden treasure" is reflected. 

Read the Hadith "I was a hidden treasure'

So you can enter this boundless mystery. 

Non-being is the mirror, the world is the reflection, 

Man the reflected eye of the Invisible Person. 

You are this reflected eye; 

He is the light of the eye. 

And in this eye, His eye sees His own eye.

The world is a man and a man is a world.

When dive into the abyss of this mystery

You are at once the seer, the eye that sees, and what is seen. 

The sacred tradition has affirmed it

And demonstrated it "without eyes or ears' 

Know, then, the entire universe is a mirror. 

In each atom nest a hundred flaming suns: 

Cleave the heart of single drop of water- 

A hundred pure oceans will gush out. 

Examine a single grain of dust-

A thousand Adams will arise.

In its limbs, a fly is like an elephant;

In its qualities, a drop of rain is like the Nile.

The entire universe is hidden

In the heart of a millet grain;

The heart of a barleycorn

Is richer than a hundred harvests.

In the wing of a fly streams the ocean of Life;

In the pupil of the eye an endless heaven opens.

However tiny the grain of the heart may be,

The Lord of all the world has made his dwelling there.

There the two worlds have been made one:

The Tempter manifests God's terrible majesty, 

And Adam His divine beauty.

Contemplate the world as it is,

Angels interweave with devils, Satan with Gabriel. 

Everything is assembled like a seed and its fruit- 

The unbeliever with the believer, the loyal with the disloyal. 

Everything is united on the diamond-point of the present- 

The cycles and seasons, the day, the month, the year, 

The world without beginning and the world without end. 

The mission of Jesus coincides with the creation of Adam: 

From each point of this always-revolving circle 

Thousands of forms are born.

In its turning, every point is sometimes a center, sometimes a circumference. If you were to remove one atom from its place, 

The entire universe would crumble in ruin. 

The All is a vertiginous whirlwind, 

Yet no part of it finds itself beyond the limits of contingency,

For Emanation keeps everything in dependence.

Everything is desperate from being separated from the All;

Everything travels ceaselessly and yet stays in its place;

Everything is always in movement and yet always at peace-

Never beginning, and never ending. 

Everything knows its essence and this is why 

Everything is always racing toward the Throne. 

Under the veil of every atom is hidden

The ravishing beauty of the face of the Beloved!

Friday, September 20, 2024

Nisargadatta Maharaj - Choice and destiny



Surely, I am not the master of what happens.

... Its slave rather.

Nisargadatta Maharaj:

𝐁𝐞 𝐧𝐞𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫, 𝐧𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐯𝐞.

... 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐟!


Does it imply avoidance of action?

Nisargadatta Majaraj:

You cannot avoid action.

... It happens, like everything else.

Q: My actions, surely, I can control.

NM: Try!

... You will soon see that you do what you must.

Q: I can act, according to my will.

NM: You know your will,

... Only 'after' you have acted.

Q: I remember my desires, the choices made, the decisions taken, and act accordingly.

NM: Then your memory decides - not you!

Q: Where do 'I' come in?

NM: You make it possible by giving it Attention.

Q: Is there no such thing as Free-Will?

... Am I not Free to desire?

NM: Oh No!

... You are compelled to desire!

In Hinduism the very idea of 'free-will' is non-existent.., so there is no word for it.

... Will is commitment - fixation, bondage!

Q: I am Free to choose my limitations.

NM: You must be Free first!

To be Free 'in' the world,

... You must be Free 'of' the world.

Otherwise, your past decides for you, And your future: Between what had happened, and what must happen - you are caught!

Call it Destiny or Karma, but never Freedom.

𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠,

... 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐚𝐜𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 '𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐎𝐟 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞'."

I am that


Monday, September 9, 2024

Ginny Lonsdale - Stillness speaks ...

A field, transparent expanse
no inside, no outside
no boundary
through all things
underneath all things
before all things
from which all things arise -
just movement rising and falling 

no agitation
no naming
no reference - one thing to another
nothing is object
and no attributes
thus nothing strikes - 
one thing against the other
no agitation 

It is peace, utter peace
'the peace that passeth understanding'
the words 'peace' and 'calm'
are limp slivers of linguistic conceit
they cannot transmit this knowing 

HOME of pure freedom
no me - no past, no identity - completely unbound
only awareness
deep unfathomable peace 

just the gift that always is
Reality's Self 

emerging through the door of this transcendent HOME
one last kiss and wave off:
"this is The Stillness. people live in this Stillness"
a respectful, gentle invitation ...
with a dash of humour,
like ... 'you might like to give this a try ... there's nothing stopping you' (nudge, nudge) 

a white liquid light
through the head into the crevices of the brain
down into the body
filling every vibrating molecule with 
exquisite sweetness
scintillating divine light nectar
of which I had never known before
nourishing this material form.
A loving embrace - divine LIGHT pouring itself into 'me'
Every part of this body responded with delight
and fell asleep.





Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Donna Ashworth - 'This Rock'


art :Julia Arnt

We exist on a 4.5 billion year old rock

floating in an unfathomable expanse 

of nothing-ness

you and I

we are magnetically held in place

by an invisible force

along with 8 billion other people. 

every single thing that exists on this rock

is without doubt a work of art

so intricately crafted 

we will never truly discover the scope of wonder within

we are made of the same elements 

as everything that naturally surrounds us

just shaken up differently

and oh so magnificently

look at us, my friends. 

we are breathtaking

our breath alone

the power in that act 

is breathtaking

everything you are doing right now 

reading, feeling, understanding 

is fascinatingly complex

and yet we spend our days worrying about things

that are of no significance at all 


walk around your world today 

with awe in your eyes 

and really see what you are living.

every aspect of this life

is nothing short of astonishing

and this rock we are clinging to with ease

is astounding.

eyes open, reach out, breathe deep

take it all in

this rock, our home, 

will know each of us

for only a heartbeat in its timeline. 

leave only love

live with only gratitude

look with only wonder.


Monday, September 2, 2024

Nancy Neithercut - An all encompassing love


How long did we wait for our lives to begin? Believing that everything had to be 'just right', so we could finally relax

When you least expect it, when all hope is gone, when you realize that tale will never get pinned on the donkey, when you realize that all the ladders in the world will never reach the moon, when you're tired of trying to catch the wind, kiss your reflection in the moonlit pond, that it was simply a misconception that you were in charge of the stage door, and had to turn the crank on the merry-go- round,

you find infinite permutations of a butterfly kiss, and a beautiful intimacy of life slipping through your fingers as you slip through the lines, losing yourself and finding yourself awash in iridescent awe.

and in the end there is no doubt nor place for it to arise..........

all the secret corners of your being have been undone

there is nothing left to hide nor anywhere to hide it

nor anyone to hide...

there is nothing in the bottom of the cup

not even emptiness

or nothingness

or thinglessness

the suck as the tide goes out

water shimmering in the afternoon sun as it percolates into the sands of this shoreless sea

just an empty sublime vastness

suspended as awe

in the dance of love

What is going on is magnificently wondrously unknowable

It has no qualities or characteristics whatsoever

It is shared learned words which create a conceptual mentally fabricated world of separate things and events and time...

And this imaginary “known” world is not separate from the unknown because the ideas of “known” and “unknown” are also made up.

I could say that what is going on is fluid and ungraspable but actually it is neither moving nor nonmoving. As it has no dimension and it is not dimension less.

Has no time nor non time...

It has no things nor non-things...

It is not one big thing like wholeness or emptiness...

It has no space nor emptiness...

And it is not even an it.

This is it

And not even that....

When the story is no longer believed, that is also the story...

And the story takes on a somewhat surreal feeling... yet simultaneously real-er than real more vibrant more alive....

it’s as if the most delicious dream of unknowing has subsumed the dream of knowing...

It’s like an all encompassing love.
