Thursday, January 4, 2018

Jiddu Krishnamurti - The ending of time is the ending of change

The ending of time is the ending of change. The being,
trying to become, invents time. The being, whatever it
be, is without time. The word is of time, and when the word
is associated with the being, the illusion of movement from
this  to  that  takes  place.  But  the  being  undergoes  a  radical 
transformation when the mind is free of time. 
The probing into this is meditation.

To probe is not to achieve. If you probe deliberately, with
full  intention  of  discovery,  then  what  you  discover  will  be 
the projection of your past. But if you probe without
you, the  thinker,  then  probing  is  endless,  inexhaustible.  The 
intention to probe comes with the intention to find, but the
finding becomes trivial when it is an experience. Experience
is recognition, and recognition is association, the past. There
must be the abandonment of what is discovered in probing,
all the time, for this allows freedom, 
and without freedom inquiry is negated.

The  constant  is  of  no-time,  but  it  is  not  stationary. 
Meditation  is  the  freeing  from  that  state  of  mind  that 
possessing  decays.  Innocency  is  this  freedom.  Love  which 
possesses destroys itself. Meditation is the throwing away of
all man’s cunning, and the throwing away of the morality of


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